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food 3 0 episode 3 franken food Tr1080p CTB 002
👉 Ce film vous a plu ? Alors abonnez-vous ! C'est ici 👉 🙏
En 2050, notre planète comptera 9,6 milliards d’habitants.
Pour nourrir tous les Terriens selon les pratiques actuelles, il faudra augmenter les rendements agricoles et l’élevage de 70 %.
La pression sur les terres agricoles sera décuplée. L’augmentation du rendement entraînera davantage de pollution créée par les pesticides, les déjections animales et le transport.
La ressource en eau diminuera, sans oublier les disparités économiques qui accroîtront les problèmes…
Face à ces perspectives alarmantes, comment agir? Quel avenir pour notre alimentation?
Dans la Silicon Valley, on prône la nourriture de synthèse fabriquée en laboratoire avec le soutien des plus grands magnats de la net-économie comme Bill Gates.
D’autres s’intéressent aux algues ou aux insectes pour remplacer les protéines animales.
Des laboratoires créent de super animaux issus de la transgénèse.
Certains veulent revenir à des méthodes agricoles traditionnelles plus soucieuses de l’environnement, ou créer des fermes urbaines avec cultures hors-sol. Incursion dans l’assiette du futur…
L’augmentation des populations et des niveaux de vie dans certains pays comme l’Inde et surtout la Chine fait que le besoin de protéines et tel, et surtout la viande, que des pays comme la Chine se lancent dans les manipulations génétiques, clonages…
Si l’Europe interdit ces recherches, les États-Unis n’hésitent pas et viennent de lancer le premier animal génétiquement modifié sur le marché. Est-ce si sécurisé que cela?
"Food 3.0 - Franken Food - Episode 3"
Réalisateurs : Jean Baptiste Erreca et Guilhem Rondot
#documentaire #alimentaire
Переглядів: 353


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  • @aurelia5902
    @aurelia5902 18 годин тому

    Quelqun peut nous dire si il y a des nanoparticules dans les vaccins ? Mon intuition me pose la question. Dans le sang des vaccines il y a des petites structures qui se resemblent tout seules en bougent, c est ce que affirment des laboratoires La question m' obsede

  • @davidguigan5357
    @davidguigan5357 День тому

    Tu prend une vague et tu oublie tout tes a ce moment...ou tu prend la vague...ta vie est instantanement mise en dangez right now..donc tu est focus a 100%....heeee oui a ce moment la tu oublie tout tes problemes car le probleme est derriere toi et mesure 4m/ faut precisez.....

  • @genevievegauthier7266
    @genevievegauthier7266 2 дні тому

    Merci bien ( la stupidité de l'homme ) pauvre planète. Gigi

  • @FranckP-lk1ez
    @FranckP-lk1ez 2 дні тому

    On fait la même chose chez nous… du moins on essaie

  • @FranckP-lk1ez
    @FranckP-lk1ez 2 дні тому

    C est le rock

  • @antoinelemaire9453
    @antoinelemaire9453 2 дні тому

    Quand la musique inutile et débile est plus forte que le commentaire dit d'une voix sourde et qu'on a de la peine à comprendre celui-ci, ça craint !

  • @aminatamonteiro987
    @aminatamonteiro987 3 дні тому

    Il faut lutter

  • @zobielamouche50
    @zobielamouche50 3 дні тому

    Shame on us 😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @raphaelthibaud0709
    @raphaelthibaud0709 3 дні тому

    Et du coup son timpan ca va mieux maintenant ?

  • @dundee3555
    @dundee3555 3 дні тому

    Trop bon de réentendre la chanson de fin ❤

  • @robtodd83
    @robtodd83 7 днів тому

    Super interesting!! but..aswell.. What is the song at the end?

    • @TaxiDocs
      @TaxiDocs 6 днів тому

      Do you like it ?

    • @robtodd83
      @robtodd83 6 днів тому

      @@TaxiDocs of course...thats why i asked.. 🙂

    • @TaxiDocs
      @TaxiDocs 6 днів тому

      It was composed by Sylvain Moreau (who made all the original music) for the film. It is entitled "I dive" featuring Agathe Jeannoutot,. I am sure you can find it on the internet. I can't send you the link, because the algorithm hates that you get our of youtube from a youtube page

  • @Kifferliesel88
    @Kifferliesel88 7 днів тому

    Hes right.. diving is like crack and meth mixed.. and one point you cant stop to do it. Its awesome!!!

  • @M.M.M.M.M890
    @M.M.M.M.M890 7 днів тому

    Great documentary!

  • @jimrehman904
    @jimrehman904 9 днів тому

    I was a skinny long blonde haired 19 year old Kid from NY when I moved straight to the apts literally in front of the V-land channel in 1979 and brought my 1978 MR Twin. I quickly became friends with Perry Dane, Jr, Alika, Squiddy, Buttons, Timmy Cavalo and the rest of the V land boys as they would hang on my porch smoking and watching the surf and MTV. I watched on the beach from 5 yards away as Perry collapsed the left eye socket of Johnny Boy who just started surfing v land from the west side. He disrespected Timmy Labrador in the Line up. He never saw it coming... Met Eddie after I worked at T&C sanding surfboards which sponsored his kids. He had a tight hold on the North shore. No joke. . He later built many homes all along the backyards beach front.I liked and respected him as he was always friendly to me. I lived there 18 beautiful years. Was a surfer kids dream come true. Aloha Hawaii!!

    • @imuahayn8082
      @imuahayn8082 8 днів тому

      good old days when v-land was regulated, only a handful of boys out, miss those days, was there when Johnny Boy returned from hospital , looking for Perry , riding his bike while carrying a bat lol

    • @jimrehman904
      @jimrehman904 7 днів тому

      @@imuahayn8082 Good old days yea.We probably met at some point... After, Perry told me he was so freaked out by the damage he did, "I didn't`t want to hit him that hard" that he left the beach and went to Eddie to get some comfort. He was afraid of the westside boys counter action. I didn't`t know about the bike and bat.LOL

  • @jbrobertson6052
    @jbrobertson6052 9 днів тому

    That was amazing and I gotta say that those guys have balls of steel

  • @marcmelpo972
    @marcmelpo972 9 днів тому

    Buttons was such a LEGEND!! RIP braddah ❤

  • @nmid9879
    @nmid9879 9 днів тому

    Comment peut-on faire cela à des êtres humains? Et ce touriste de ♏️€®️🌛€ qui se réjouit de pouvoir plonger pour voir des épaves 🤮

  • @nespoo38
    @nespoo38 9 днів тому


  • @AndreGoffin-kp1mo
    @AndreGoffin-kp1mo 9 днів тому

    Remarquable documentaire sur la tectonique qui sculpte et façonne le continent européen: une passionnante histoire d'un chapitre de l'histoire de la Terre!

  • @gunnerblaskey8864
    @gunnerblaskey8864 10 днів тому

    Eddie Rothman.... a fuckin legend... warrior Kingdom of Hawai'I Aloha❤

  • @michaelfarar4232
    @michaelfarar4232 10 днів тому


  • @ilfriedno
    @ilfriedno 10 днів тому

    !ĺa connerie humaine est infinie merci

  • @highthl6395
    @highthl6395 10 днів тому

    Fui pro Havaí no final dos anos 90, o cara arrumou problema comigo só porque eu sou brasileiro, mandou eu e um amigo ficar quieto porque o nosso idioma estava incomodando ele, falou que ia me esperar lá fora não importasse quanto tempo demorasse pra eu sair do mar, eu respondi pra ele, vamos agora então, mano a mano! Coloquei pra dormir, ai acordou puto da cara e falando que era pra eu ir embora da ilha que ele iria voltar com os Black Trunks, ele só não sabia que eu treinei com o Tom Callos e na mesma época um tal de BJ Penn estava começando no bjj também, treinava comigo até ir treinar com o Ralph e depois ir pro RJ, quando os líderes ficaram sabendo que eu já estava um tempo lá e que eu conhecia vários brasileiros que eram respeitados por eles, eu acabei fazendo a amizade com o Makua, filho do Eddie, já se passaram mais de 20 anos e até hoje eu sou bem recebido quando eu vou pra lá! Conselho que eu deixo para os mais novos, tem esse tipo aí na água até hoje.. se arrumarem confusão com você, tens 2 escolhas, primeira é ir no mano a mano e quebrar o cara ou colocar o rabo entre as pernas e sair fora! Eles respeitam quem é mais maluco que eles, foi assim que os Brasileiros conseguiram respeito por lá, ensinando jiu-jitsu e pegando onda gigante na remada, ah e o rapaz que arrumou problema comigo, é meu amigo até hoje kkkkk

  • @Toprecria777
    @Toprecria777 10 днів тому

    Nao tem legenda 😅

  • @stephenfrancis303
    @stephenfrancis303 10 днів тому

    Makua go backdoor makua! Dang lil grom koa he still looks the same

  • @dukemenangoravelsyata1429
    @dukemenangoravelsyata1429 10 днів тому


  • @hewonyew
    @hewonyew 11 днів тому

    Eddie the hypocrite, with his anti-white diatribe, admits his surf gang is not about respect....but fear and racism. Kook.

  • @mickeystix9838
    @mickeystix9838 11 днів тому

    Are they ok with being told they can’t surf here when they travel to other secret surf spots across the globe. No they are not ! Not only that when they travel to these secret locations they film it and put it out there for everyone to see. ( the ultimate form of disrespect to the locals from these locations). So in its own definition they are a bunch of entitled hypocrites. Practice what you preach.

  • @romualdtorcal4428
    @romualdtorcal4428 11 днів тому

    Aucune agressivité Des locaux très sympa

    @LUCKYMONKEY230 11 днів тому

    Les chosent ont peut-etre changés, mais ca reste une belle archive du gang culture dans le surf. C'est important de comprendre l'histoire pour savoir d'ou vient la culture surf, sous toutes ses formes

  • @wakeupthebear
    @wakeupthebear 11 днів тому

    This is not translated with any amount of accuracy. French is such a limited language. You could have just translated to click. To get the angry local vibe more clearly. Don’t surf in Hawaii go somewhere without angry locals and have fun riding waves.

    • @TaxiDocs
      @TaxiDocs 10 днів тому

      Hi. Did you put on the automated translation? I don't get what you mean by "limited language" considering that approx 1/3 of the English words are coming from french :-)

  • @jpmor7327
    @jpmor7327 11 днів тому

    " respect us because we were born here " meanwhile hes smoking his meth pipe in a van. Yes royalty for sure.

  • @Freeworld536
    @Freeworld536 11 днів тому

    Bikini bottom

  • @LgallupDz3
    @LgallupDz3 11 днів тому

    Is that young @koarothman

  • @vincenzodaddy1223
    @vincenzodaddy1223 11 днів тому


  • @SupremeAuto808
    @SupremeAuto808 11 днів тому

    First it was our waves, but it was always about our LAND…. RESPECT is all we wanted! Aloha means Hello and Good bye… You can Funk off if you don’t respect that!

    • @shacktime
      @shacktime 11 днів тому

      You guys needed to do better in school to learn how to build strong businesses so that you could acquire your land. Now it’s mostly bought up by corporate interests from all over the world. Work smarter, not harder. It’s not too late but the sands of time are against you. Build a united front, learn the law, pool resources, and band together to beat the Robber Barons at their own game.

    • @DQuanAlSamirOHoulihan
      @DQuanAlSamirOHoulihan 10 днів тому

      looks like you want ice more than anything,

    • @jackstrawfromwitchita5978
      @jackstrawfromwitchita5978 10 днів тому

      give respect earn respect….

    • @shacktime
      @shacktime 10 днів тому

      @@DQuanAlSamirOHoulihan Hawaii’s ice epidemic is a byproduct of the manufactured despair and institutionalized poverty that’s been pushed on the Hawaiian people since the Bayonet Constitution and forced annexation, which was completely illegal. It’s EXTREMELY hard to make a living in Hawaii. And that’s by design. You’re blaming the effect for the cause.

    • @DQuanAlSamirOHoulihan
      @DQuanAlSamirOHoulihan 9 днів тому

      @@shacktimeThat sounds Hot and all but I am Not blaming anything or anyone, I am Just stating facts.

  • @wilfredlopes7474
    @wilfredlopes7474 11 днів тому

    The hui aloha 🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙❤

  • @taosmar1
    @taosmar1 11 днів тому

    let the bruddahs speak without the zfrench overlay....damn!

  • @cory_hugs7850
    @cory_hugs7850 12 днів тому

    Now it’s a free for all shit show at pipe, the new generation Hawaiian pipe surfers are didn’t keep the ball rolling, either don’t have it in them or scared of losing sponsors for someone recording them regulating, Vans, Volcom, WSL, see one of there riders on instagram beating the shit out of a kook in the lineup there most likely getting dropped 😂

    • @shacktime
      @shacktime 11 днів тому

      No. The courts began to intervene. The videos going viral all the time without the backstory hasn’t helped matters. Most people just see the violence sans the context.

  • @MrAloha76
    @MrAloha76 12 днів тому


  • @rollsgracie268
    @rollsgracie268 12 днів тому

    Things keep changing and growing story life

  • @rollsgracie268
    @rollsgracie268 12 днів тому

    The genocide things, a bit funny for stability. Rothman is Jewish for starters. And humans been picking on the week since the beginning of time to catch a star in the middle somewhere and decide this is where it started But at the same time I’m sure they do wrong but I’m sure there’s some right to in terms of people coming over and trying to put their spin on it. That’s not cool they need to be checked at the same time it’s foggy black-and-white good and bad like everything.

  • @rollsgracie268
    @rollsgracie268 12 днів тому

    The genocide things, a bit funny for stability. Rothman is Jewish for starters. And humans been picking on the week since the beginning of time to catch a star in the middle somewhere and decide this is where it started But at the same time I’m sure they do wrong but I’m sure there’s some right to in terms of people coming over and trying to put their spin on it. That’s not cool they need to be checked at the same time it’s foggy black-and-white good and bad like everything.

  • @khaledbouchelil1030
    @khaledbouchelil1030 12 днів тому

    Est ce que la substance du proton dhydrogene et la substance du. Proton de. L oxygène est la meme

    • @TaxiDocs
      @TaxiDocs 12 днів тому

      Un proton est un proton

  • @xisotopex
    @xisotopex 12 днів тому

    started by a jewish guy from philadelphia ....

    • @shacktime
      @shacktime 11 днів тому

      Nope. He was instrumental but not the main founder. He was adopted by the group.

  • @dylanmcney
    @dylanmcney 12 днів тому

    Where is there a version of this film in english without the french translation overlay of the video?

    • @TaxiDocs
      @TaxiDocs 12 днів тому

      Nop there is not.

    • @cory_hugs7850
      @cory_hugs7850 12 днів тому

      @@TaxiDocsit was made in English 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @TaxiDocs
      @TaxiDocs 11 днів тому

      @@cory_hugs7850 What do you mean ? Original version is in french. Do you mean the interviews ?

  • @jaimeglenn1540
    @jaimeglenn1540 12 днів тому


  • @raskalitodelapanpa8064
    @raskalitodelapanpa8064 12 днів тому

    la malice des colons me dégoute puisse t'il y avoir justice un jours et que la terre revienne a qui de droit amen

    • @ramboenslip3612
      @ramboenslip3612 8 днів тому

      j ai plus de respect pour un insecte ou une fleur que pour ce genre de type

  • @timbere
    @timbere 12 днів тому

    i've a very friend from dahui, Picuruta Salazar

    • @RNaturee
      @RNaturee 11 днів тому

      Esse era casca grossa!

  • @timbere
    @timbere 12 днів тому

    out houle !! dont put the wax in the beach !!!